english learning
English learning: English practice online, reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, vocabulary, tests, tips Online Practice English learning: English practice online, reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, vocabulary, tests, tips Reading Writing Speaking Listening Grammar
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English Learning

Online Practice
English Learning is a division of EduSoftMax (www.edusoftmax.com). The goal of English Learning is to shorten the English learning time and make English learning easy and exciting.

We provide users with many tips for English learning including reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary build, grammar learning, pronunciation, and more. For Spelling online practice, we have over 12,000 words, a concise dictionary. And for reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary build, grammar learning, and pronunciation, we have over 6,000 questions. All our online practice programs come with many unique features which definitely help users learn English.

Users can also find many tips for reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary build, grammar learning, and pronunciation.

Reading comprehension:

1. Reading comprehension tips
2. English reading skill: skimming
3. English reading skill: scanning
4. English reading skill: extensive reading
5. English reading skill: Intensive reading
6. Vocabulary building tips for reading comprehension
7. Learn word formation for Vocabulary building
8. How to improve speed reading?


1. General writing tips
2. How to write illustration?
3. How to write comparison / contrast?
4. How to write classification?
5. How to write coherence?
6. How to write analysis?
7. How to write casue and effect?
8. What is metaphor and how to write it?
9. What is personification and how to write it?
10. What is analogy and how to write it?
11. How to write paragraph?
12. How to write persuasion?
13. What is denotation / connotation and how to write it?
14. What is euphemism and how to write it?
15. What is simile and how to write it?
16. How to combine sentences?
17. What is parallel sentence and how to write it?
18. What is periodic sentence and how to write it?
19. What is balanced sentence and how to write it?
20. What is inverted sentence and how to write it?
21. Sentence clarity guide and tips?
22. How to use punctuation?
23. How to write an outline?
24. How to write book report?
25. How to write book review?
26. How to write argumentative essay?
27. How to write a narrative essay?
28. How to write a expository essay?
29. How to write a descriptive essay?
30. How to write definition essay?
31. How to write research paper?
32. How to write newspaper article?
33. How to write bibliography?
34. How to write business letter?
35. How to write a professional resume?
36. How to write lab report?
37. How to write project report?
38. How to write business plan?
39. Writing samples


1. Speaking tips
2. How to improve public speaking skills?
3. Pronunciation


1. Listening comprehension skills and strategies
2. Listening comprehension tips


1. Grammar manual
2. Preposition
3. Adjective
4. Adverb
5. Article
6. Conjunction
7. Pronoun
8. Sentence
9. Verb
10. Noun
11. simple sentence
12. compound sentence
13. complex sentence
14. imperative sentence
15. interrogative sentence
16. declarative sentence
17. exclamatory sentence
18. What is subjunctive mood and how to use it?
19. What is passive voice and how to use it?
20. What is English participle and how to use it?
21. What is English gerund and how to use it?
22. What is English infinitive and how to use it?
23. What is English clause and how to use it?

Free English Practice Online

English Spelling Practice
English Comprehensive Practice
English Reading Comprehension Practice
English Vocabulary Practice
English Grammar Practice
English Typing Practice
English Word Search
English Situational Conversation
English Background Reading Materials
English Irregular Verb Practice

Online Practice Reading Writing Speaking Listening Grammar
Vocabulary Pronunciation Dictionary
(English Online Home) English Learning (c) EduSoftMax - www.edusoftmax.com