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English adverb: adverb practice online, how to use, learn english adverb phrases, comparison, rules, comparatives, superlatives usage Online Practice English adverb: adverb practice online, how to use, learn english adverb phrases, comparison, rules, comparatives, superlatives usage Reading Writing Speaking Listening Grammar
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English Adverb

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English Adverb

An adverb is a word or group of words that modify verbs, adjectives, 
or other adverbs. They come in three different classes: simple, 
interrogative, and conjunctive.   

A simple adverb is used as a simple modifier telling manner, time, 
place, degree, or number. For examples:

Joe was sick yesterday.
The desk belongs there.
She looked extremely ugly.
He came to the party last.   

An interrogative adverb asks a question. For examples:

Where has she been?   

A conjunctive adverb connects independent clauses. Some common 
conjunctive adverbs are accordingly, also, anyhow, besides, 
consequently, however, moreover, nevertheless, otherwise, still, 
then, therefore, and yet. Use a semicolon before the conjunctive 
adverb to join the two clauses. For examples:

Mike did not work hard; however, he still got good marks. 
Common Mistakes 

Most is an adjective, but almost is an adverb
Easy is an adjective, but easily is an adverb
Good is an adjective, but well is an adverb   

Comparatives and Superlatives of Adverbs  

The comparative is the second or middle degree of comparison 
in adverbs while the superlative is the third or 
highest degree of comparison in adverbs. 

The comparative and superlative degrees are formed by adding 
the -er and -est suffix to adverbs with a single 
consonant for an ending. 

Root 		Comparative  		Superlative 
soon  		sooner  		soonest 

Adverbs ending in -y drop the -y and add an -ier 
in the comparative degree and an -iest in the superlative degree: 

Root 		Comparative  	Superlative 
early  		earlier  	earliest 

Adverbs ending in the silent or mute -e drop the 
ending -e and add the -er for the comparative and the -est for 
the superlative: 

Root 		 Comparative  		Superlative 
late  		later  			latest 
Degrees of comparison can also be distinguished with the use of 
more and most: more efficiently; most efficiently 

Irregular adverbs: 

Root 		Comparative  		Superlative 
badly  		worse  			worst 
far  		farther 		farthest
		further 		furthest 
little  	less  			least 
much  		more  			most 
well  		better  		best 

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